So let’s say you want a life partnership, and haven’t yet found ‘the one’. You’ve had a few relationships, none of which has worked out, and you don’t understand exactly why. You’ve lost confidence in your ability to ‘do’ relationships. You’re beginning to lose hope that you’ll ever have the relationship you yearn for. You start thinking that perhaps the one you’re looking for isn’t out there, that perhaps you don’t have what it takes to have a successful relationship, or perhaps that deep down you believe you don’t deserve to be loved.

If this is what you think and believe, what is the probability of you attracting and sustaining the relationship you want?

Albert Einstein said that “Everything in life is vibration”. Your ‘vibration’ is a fancy way of describing your overall state of being. Everything in the universe is made up of energy vibrating at different frequencies. Even things that look solid are made up of vibrational energy fields at the quantum level. This includes you and me and everyone and everything. We are made up of different energy levels: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. Each of these levels has a vibrational frequency, which combine to create our overall vibration of being.

The Law of Attraction tells us that through the magnetic power of our thoughts – our vibration – like attracts like. What you think about, you bring about. How is this so?

Every thought is made up of energy and has its own unique frequency. And when the energy and frequency of a single thought radiates out into the Universe, it attracts the energy and frequencies of like thoughts, like objects, and even like people, and draws those things to you. So it follows that if you don’t change your thoughts and beliefs, you are likely to attract into your life someone with whom you will probably experience another unsuccessful relationship.

The question is, how do we change our thoughts?

Most coaching, counselling and therapy processes work with our conscious minds. They can be very helpful in assisting us to gain greater self-insight, in providing an understanding of why we think and behave the way we do, and in supporting us to consciously bring about the changes we want.

But are these changes sustainable in the long term?

It is my experience that, despite much work with the conscious mind over long periods of time, when we are under stress or are triggered by something, we tend to revert to the thought patterns and behaviour we wanted to change in the first place.

Why does this happen?

In the first 7 years of our lives we are like sponges: we absorb everything the environment throws our way, and our subconscious mind (our neurological wiring) is literally programmed as a result: our beliefs, our thoughts, our behaviour. The subconscious mind is much more powerful than the conscious mind, and will override the conscious mind every time we feel under threat for one reason or another.

So in order to bring about the changes we want on a sustainable, lifelong basis, we need to address the subconscious mind – in effect we need to reprogram ourselves.

Fortunately the latest science has shown us how to do this, and the process of Quantum Energy Coaching (QEC) was developed based on this science.

It is remarkable to observe the power of reprogramming the subconscious mind: not only are we able to bring about permanent changes in our thoughts and feelings, we can also heal ourselves at the physical level.

Why are you reading this?

Are you dissatisfied with aspects of your life? Do you want to change how you think and feel about yourself and about life? Do you wish to respond and behave differently in certain situations? Do you wish to heal yourself? Are you searching for more meaning, more fulfillment, more purpose, more enjoyment, more inner peace?

Please have a look at What Do I Do?. If you feel I may be able to assist you to manifest the changes you desire and accompany you on your journey, I would be delighted to have an introductory conversation with you.