So let’s say you want a life partnership, and haven’t yet found ‘the one’. You’ve had a few relationships, none of which has worked out, and you don’t understand exactly why. You’ve lost confidence in your ability to ‘do’ relationships. You’re beginning to lose hope that you’ll ever have the relationship you yearn for. You start thinking that perhaps the one you’re looking for isn’t out there, that perhaps you don’t have what it takes to have a successful relationship, or perhaps that deep down you believe you don’t deserve to be loved.
If this is what you think and believe, what is the probability of you attracting and sustaining the relationship you want?
Who am I?
About 20 years ago I was launching my coaching career and exploring all possible avenues for securing coaching contracts. I attended an interview at a large financial institution which was looking for executive coaches. The first question the interviewer asked me was “who are you?” I’d never been asked this question before, and had no idea how to answer. I felt panic, my brain froze, my face turned red, I started sweating. In a shaky voice I muttered a few unintelligible sentences. Needless to say they didn’t offer me a contract…
Saul Goldblatt
Heart Mind soul coach
I’ve thought about this question many times since: who am I really? I think we tend to define ourselves by the roles we play and the things we do – in my case parent, project manager, coach, sportsman, seeker, and so on – but these labels don’t define who I am.
My quest to find an answer revived many questions I’d been asking since my early 20’s, mostly related to the meaning of life and the restaurant at the end of the universe, but mainly what’s the purpose of my life? I felt that I couldn’t fully understand who I am without first answering this question.
I found a significant clue as a result of doing a “Find your Passion” exercise, which ultimately led to my undertaking a Master’s degree in coaching and the uncomfortable experience described above. It was a simple exercise:
Think about your life, and try to identify experiences which had 2 characteristics:
- While you were having the experience, you were unaware of the passage of time, and
- After the experience, you felt very good about yourself.
The pattern of experiences I identified which matched these 2 criteria was this: when I was engaged in meaningful 1-1 conversation with someone, and in the course of the conversation I asked a question or said something which made the other’s eyes light up, or gave them an insight they’d not had before, or helped them in some way. Time flew, and afterwards I felt excited and had a heightened sense of self-esteem.
“Excitement is your true vibration. It’s your body’s translation of the frequency of your True Core Being. That’s why our biggest teaching is: Follow your Highest Excitement in life. Because that means when you act on it you’re in alignment with yourself. It’s the compass needle pointing to your magnetic north.” (Bashar)
And so I arrived at this answer to the “who am I?” question:
I’m a human being whose passion, purpose, privilege and pleasure in this life is to assist and support others on their life journeys.
If you’ve found this website in search of support for your journey, and you resonate with what you see, hear and feel, I would be delighted to have a conversation with you. Please click here to schedule a no-obligation no-cost get-to-know-each-other meeting with me.